Move beyond your limitations

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Yes. You are limitless potential. And you have limitless potential.

Too often, we place ourselves in a ‘limiting box.’ We put a lot of stock in what we see as our personal limits. We focus on the things we can’t do. We emphasize the incapable aspects instead of the capable aspects. This can in turn limit our potential. It can impact our ability to grow and move forward. It can keep us walking the same, rut-worn, path day in and day out.

Then there are those times that we believe the limits that others or even our culture have assigned to us. In doing so, we give others too much power over us by letting their view of our limits become our view of our limits. We allow them to define our capabilities, our capacity for contribution and the wattage of our inner light. Too often we begin to believe others limiting labels they’ve applied to us and when we do not only do we manifest the limits but the limiting box we’re in becomes more narrow and constrictive.

The truth is, whenever we limits on ourselves or accept as truth the limits that others have knowingly or unknowingly defined for us, we end up dimming our light and keeping our world small. We thwart our potential and begin living with limits that keep us enclosed in that limiting box.

Mindful Reflection:

  • What limits have I placed on myself?

  • What limits have others placed on me?

  • What I could I do to limit less?

  • What limit would I most like to break free of?

  • What could be possible if I were to grow beyond this limit?


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